What an interior designer can do for you?


1)   Save Money: I may sound strange, however, hiring an interior designer who is experience in the field can help avoid costly mistakes, which will not only save you money but increase the value of your home?

2)   Assessment: A designer can give you a professional assessment of your situation that will lead to a solid plan of action. The order of things in a design plan is key in determining what can be repurposed or should be edited. This will not only effect the budget but help you to spend it more efficiently.

3)   Budgeting and Planning: Our designers can work with you to keep on budget and offer you cost effective soltuions, saving you time researching endless solution, brands and products.

4)   Communication with contractors; our designers will be able to gove clear and conside infomraton to contractors and architecture working on a project to create your vision of your home.

5)   Contacts: Our designers will be able to provide reliable contractors that they have used in the past.

6)   Wow Factor: Or designers can help to give you the “wow” factor you’ve been looking for. They are trained to think differently, spatially and to see an overall picture that clients often cannot. 



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0207 801 0566  

Steph Fanizza

Architectural Design & Team Manager

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