Contemporary New Build Detached Homes In Surrey

Our project for New Build

Contemporary New Build Detached Homes In Surrey

See our project below we have completed for our satisfied client. If you want to know the cost of a similar project, please contact us to Get a quote or call us on 0203 409 4215 to speak with our planning consultants.

Development of two contemporary detached homes following the demolition of an existing bungalow in Worcester Park, Surrey!

Project type

New Build

Works Requested

Planning Permission

Initial Scope

x1 New Build Residential

Proposed Scope

x2 New Build Residential

The Brief

The existing property on the proposed development site consists of a single-storey, bungalow style dwellinghouse with no recorded previous additions or extensions. The rear amenity space is a generous 42m in depth from the rear elevation of the existing bungalow, with a varying width of approximately 9.5m. The property is significantly set back from the road and prominent building line, and features a gravel surface with a range of shrubs and planting towards the road side and a 900mm curb-side boundary wall.

Our client came to us with the dream to soleley create a new home at the back of their very large garden, but with two-storey dwellings all over the area and a strong mix of character, our planning consultants saw a fantastic investment opportunity. We proposed a pre-application with the LPA to determine if we could achieve not one, but two 4-5 bedroom homes with private amenity and off-street parking, following the demolition of the existing, outdated bungalow.

Our Solution

With an overall positive reaction at pre-application stage, we are now in the process of fine-tuning the scheme and organising our planning strategy to achieve the best results for our client.

Adding two properties with a total of 9 bedrooms to a plot previously occupied by a 3 bedroom bungalow is no easy feat, and will take careful planning and a combined effort by our architects and planning consultants to bring to life this stunning project by detailing access and car parking, amenity spaces, and refuse/cycle storage strategies. Sutton has also recently made fire safety strategy a mandatory consideration for planning, to which our technologists are well versed in the guidelines.

With a lot of precedents of back-land developments, however, and a recurring character of front gables, we endeavour to maximise both space and the return on investment for our client.

Summary of Works

After an overall successful pre-application in support of the dwellings, we are now fine-tuning the scheme for planning submission alongside detailing the various requirements as suggested by the LPA. We anticipate submitting in the next few weeks and are excited to share the end result with you – watch this space!

Steph Fanizza

Architectural Design & Team Manager

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