What To Expect When Having A Home Extension

In the long run having an extension will be hugely beneficial to you, your family and the value of your home. However, depending on what you are having done there will be some level of disruption. Unless you are fortunate enough to be able to move out during the building of your home extension you should be prepared to put up with some inconveniences, such as dust, noise and the loss of the use of some rooms.
With this blog, we aim to help you prepare prior to your extension or conversion and to give you have a better idea of what to expect once the building work begins.
Planning is everything
When planning your extension project make sure you consider the time of year and how busy it might be at that time for you and your family. For example, you probably would want to avoid having any sort of building works taking place over a major holiday such as Christmas or birthdays. Choosing a quieter time of year can help to greatly minimise the impact having an extension built can have on you.
Make sure before any building work starts that you have been given a clear schedule for the works. Obviously, this could change, but having a timeline from the start will be helpful when planning your life around the extension works. It is a good idea to also make sure you have an agreed way to contact your contractor, so that if there are any problems or you have any questions you know you will be able to get a hold of them.
Ensure your builders can access your property even when you are not there, otherwise their ability to complete the project in good time may be hindered. It’s best to only have one person as designated key holder as this minimises the possibility of anything going wrong.
Prepare your home
There is no avoiding it, your home is going to get dusty. To make sure nothing is damaged move your belongings away from where the building work will be taking place. This includes any pictures you have hanging on the walls, furniture and plants. If you don’t have room/elsewhere in your home to store these then you may need to consider paying for temporary storage of those belongings.
Be prepared to live in a home covered in plastic, as it is very likely that your contractors will cover various surfaces in and around the extension site with plastic sheets to further protect your home. You may also want to think about removing or covering nearby carpets for the duration of the build.
You may be excited to show off how your extension is coming along; however, it is best to avoid having more people than necessary onsite whilst your builders are working as this will pose health and safety risks. They can’t do their jobs if they are having to worry about where you or your friends are.

Steph Fanizza, Architectural Design & Team Manager
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Do you stay or go?
You may not need to stay elsewhere for the entire project, so having up-to-date schedule will help with planning where you will stay and when.
Kids and pets
It goes without saying that the site of any buildings works is going to have risks, for this reason it is best to have a plan in place to keep children or pets away from where the extension is taking place. This can be easier said than done, you may need to consider installing baby or pet gates or other form of barrier to keep your little ones, be they 2 or 4 legged, out of harm’s way.
Don’t forget to let your builders know what doors or gates need to remain closed and a plan of action should your pet happen to get out.
Your builders
It’s important to use a crew you can trust, as these people are going to be spending a lot of time in your home. Speak to friends or neighbours who have had works done, or ask your architect if they have construction teams that they can recommend. Do your research.
As London architects, we have completed many projects across London and have many trusted builders with whom we have worked closely, giving you peace of mind that the right people are on the job.
Don’t forget to inform the neighbours

It’s easy to forget that you won’t be the only ones affected by the construction of your extension. Make sure you consult with your neighbours before and during the works taking place, keep then updated and try and keep disturbance to them at a minimum. You don’t want to create your dream home only to have a falling out with the neighbours over it.
Project management
You may think about project managing your extension yourself, however in most cases hiring a professional to manage your extension build will be a lot less stressful for you and a lot more productive. Extension Architecture are experienced project managers in London boroughs, such as Merton, Walton Parish, and Redbridge and can ensure your extension or conversion runs smoothly from start to finish.
Get in touch
If you want to discuss planning a home extension, loft conversion or basement conversion, drop us a line. We will be happy to chat!
Email us at info@extensionarchitecture.co.uk or phone 0203 409 4215. On our website, you’ll also find a Request A Free Quote form, which you can send to us and we’ll get back to you right away.