Planning Permission in a Conservation Area

What is a conservation area?
There are designated conservation areas thought the UK, which the local authorities assign, they comprise of areas which are normally of special architectural or historic interest, the main criteria is outlined below:
- • the way roads, paths and boundaries are laid out
• characteristic building and paving materials
• the way buildings are used
• public and private spaces, such as gardens, parks and greens
• trees and street furniture
Planning and development in conservation areas is defiantly allowed and Extension Architecture have vast experience with dealing with these types of properties, we know that planning drawing for properties in these areas are restricted to more parameters, so the Local Authorities have more control to developments and demolition works to protect/improve the character/appurtenance of the surrounding area.
What are the main difference to a normal Planning Application?
In addition to the normal documents required for planning permission, we would compulsory need to submit the following:
- Design and Access Statements
- Building elevations/floor plans in relation to neighbours
Other Services
- Planning Applications
- Building Regulation Drawings
- Site Survey
- Project Management
- Architectural/Interior Design
Contact us
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0207 801 0566

Steph Fanizza
Architectural Design & Team Manager