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All You Need to Know About Home Improvement Grants

Whether you are planning for an upgrade in the form of a house renovation or want to adopt energy efficient mechanisms, or if your plan is to just make small repairs to a part of your house, you must know that there are aids in the form of grants. In this article, we shall unravel all that is available as government grants and other financial assistance that can help you unburden a huge chunk of your expenses.

Building a Budget Friendly Modern Home

If not all, aren’t most of us of the opinion that building a modern home requires a heavy wallet? Well, although this is partially true and makes sense under the ambit of today’s rising costs, there are ways to execute big ideas on a tight budget. Let's look at how to modernise your home on a budget.

Objection Handling: Strategies for Overcoming Hurdles in Planning Applications

Embarking on a construction project means you need to be ready for disputes and refusals. Given the stringent building laws and regulations in the UK, it is not a smooth sail at all. Many times, you may have to anticipate and be proactive to handle objections you may face in the future, because by now you would’ve known that you are bound to face that refusal. In this article, we will discuss strategies regarding how to effectively handle objections to your submitted planning application.

A Comprehensive Guide to Buying a House in London 2025

If you knew, London is among the top 10 most expensive cities to live in, especially when it comes to buying properties. If you are one of those planning to buying a house in London, then it arguably will be the biggest decision of your life. In this guide, we shall take you through the stepwise approach for buying a house in London, whilst discussing useful tips and things you should be aware of.

House Price & Sales in the UK 2025

The year 2025 has resulted in great anticipation among home buyers, precisely because of the consistency in which house prices in UK have plummeted over the last few years. Will there be a further dip in house prices similar to 2023 and 2022, or will the housing market pick up a surge? We bring to you more about this and the ground reality of house prices in UK in this article.

Steph Fanizza

Architectural Design & Team Manager

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