Jingogae Restaurant – Change of Use Case D1 to A3

Our project for

Jingogae Restaurant – Change of Use Case D1 to A3

See our project below we have completed for our satisfied client. If you want to know the cost of a similar project, please contact us to Get a quote or call us on 0203 409 4215 to speak with our planning consultants.

The client requested for a change of use planning application to extend an existing restaurant to the next door shop which had previously been a clinic.

We designed, submitted drawings and got permission from Kingston Council.

It is now double the size!

Slide1 Slide2 Slide3 Slide4 jingogae, change of use, planning drawings, New Malden, Merton Slide6

Applications for planning permission are always required for changes of use from premises in a mixed use, a common example is a delicatessen or coffee bar which offers food for eating on the premises (A1/A3 use). Before you negotiate a lease or buy a property, you should always check whether you would need planning permission for your intended use and your chances of getting it, even if the vendor, agent or landlord says the change will be permitted.  Check further guidance about change of use on the planning portal.

Use classes and permitted changes 


Use class Types of premises Permitted changes
A1: Shops Shops, post offices, travel/ticket agents, hairdressers, funeral directors, dry cleaners, sandwich bars

Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

Permitted change to A1 & up to 2 flats

A2: Financial and Professional Services Banks, building societies, estate/employment agencies and other financial and professional services

Permitted change to A1 where a ground floor display window exists

Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

Permitted change to A1 & up to 2 flats

Permitted change to A2 & up to 2 flats

A3: Restaurants and CafesRestaurants, snack bars and cafes

Permitted changes to A1 or A2

Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

A4: Drinking EstablishmentsPubs and bars

Permitted change to A1, A2 or A3

Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

A: Sui Generis

Shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs, launderettes, taxi or vehicle hire businesses, amusement centres, petrol filling stations and night clubs No permitted change
B1: BusinessOffices, research and development, light industry appropriate in a residential area

Permitted change to B8 where no more than 500sq m

Permitted change to C3 from  B1(a) Offices subject to Council’s prior approval

Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

B2: General IndustrialGeneral industry Permitted change to B1 or B8 where no more than 500sq m
B8: Distribution, including Open Air StorageWarehouse, distribution centres, repositoriesPermitted change to B1 where no more than 500sq m
B: Sui GenerisAny works registrable under the Alkali, etc Works Regulation Act 1906 No permitted change
C1: Hotels Hotels, boarding and guest housesNo permitted change
C2: Residential InstitutionsResidential care homes, hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, residential colleges and training centres No permitted change

C2A: Secure Residential Institutions

Secure residential accommodation including a prison, young offenders institution, secure hospital, military barracksNo permitted change

D1: Non-Residential Institutions

Surgeries, health centres, crèches, nurseries, day centres, art galleries, museums, libraries, halls, churches and non-residential education and training centres

Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

D2: Assembly and Leisure

Cinemas, concert halls, bingo and dance halls, swimming baths, skating rinks, gymnasiums or sports arenas (except for motor sports, or where firearms are used)Permitted change for 2 years only to flexible A1/A2/A3/B1

D: Sui Generis

Theatres, nightclubs, casinos

Casino permitted change to D2


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Steph Fanizza

Architectural Design & Team Manager

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