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Winter Promotion at Extension Architecture

Christmas has come early!   Call us now and see how much you can save Christmas has come early at Extension Architecture. We have a great combined offer for you of Planning Application Drawings and Building Regulations Drawings as a discounted package with our Christmas offer.   This offer is valid until December 2017.   See our services below to find out some of the ways we can support you with your project proposal and ...

Make the most of your Garden Room

How to enjoy this beautiful season Offering a closeness to nature and the great outdoors, garden rooms are a fantastic way to extend living space within your home - whether you use them as a relaxation area, home office or gym. For many homeowners, the use of a garden room may be limited to the summer months, but it doesn’t have to be. Despite the leaves turning orange and the colder weather looming, there are plenty of ways you can still make the most of your garden room in the autumn - and even deep into winter. ...

Certificate of Lawfulness, and the 4 Year Rule

Read on to understand the 4 year rule...   Certificate of Lawfulness of existing use or development, [get_quote_mobile] An application for a Lawful Development Certificate is to officialise an unauthorised use or development, and to offset pending council action either to reverse the development or cease the use. These are retrospective applications and can be made via obtaining the form LDC1 from your LPA. If you have done a flat conversion to your house and rented them for over 4 years, you can legalise t ...

Design and Drawing Project Application – Our Secret

Our Designs     Sneak Preview of Our Secret Take a peek at London Architect Extension Architecture’s blue chip spa design, Our Secret in Westbourne Grove. In June 2017 we prepared designs for this exciting change of use application from A1 Retail to Sui Generis (Leisure) for spa treatments. [get_quote_mobile]    Project Trail Our client had been a successful tennis pro, so naturally he chose a business that was health-related. Also he is from Northern Europe, where some spa treatments tend to be very spec ...

What is a Design and Access Statement…

...and when do I need one? Since June 2013, you will only require a Design and Access Statement if your building or premises has a GIA (Gross Internal Area) of over 1,000m2. For developers; if you are trying to achieve 9 units or less, your project will not need one. For 10 units or more, or if you have a listed building in a conservation area, as well as a Heritage Statement you would need a Design and Access Statement for listed building consent.     Conservation areas If you live in a conservation area, you will ...

Planning Consultant vs Architect

Why you need a Planning Consultant vs Architect Read on for information on whether to instruct a planning consultant, an architect, or both. If you plan to build or extend your property, it is worth hiring a planning consultant vs architect in to save time and money, because they will guide you through the process of making a planning application to your local council by choosing from the various route options to optimise your chance of approval. [get_quote_mobile]  Benefits of having a Planning Consul ...

Steph Fanizza

Architectural Design & Team Manager

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