Use class A1(Shop) to Mixed Use A1 & A3 (Butcher and Restaurant)

Before construction A1(Shop)
A1 to A1 & A3 Mixed Use Planning Application in Kingston Upon Thames
Our client came for help with planning for their change of use application, which was to switch from a simple, un-designed butcher’s shop (retail class) to a mixed use of retail and restaurant units.
Butchers shop display
The Concept
The idea is that you can buy your meat then take it across to the restaurant to be cooked for you. It is not the first of its kind in London but tends to be more common in their native land; Korea. Some clients will buy their meat and take it home, and others will go to the restaurant without buying fresh meat; thus creating 3 options for their clients.
Our Design Brief
As well as the change of use application, we did interior design and branding for them. Apart from the request for natural materials, the client did not specify any design brief or colour scheme, apart from their preference for natural elements. We thought of wood and stone, which led to their new name: ‘Tree Stone’. The new space for retail was designed and branded according to the client’s preference for natural elements. This area is so appealing that it made the butcher aspect more classy, meaning they could pitch to a slightly wealthier clientele and increase their prices a little.
Restaurant area interior
The restaurant concept was a new addition, adjacent to the vending section. This was also a beautifully designed space to complement the sale area. We put a lot of thought into the design theme, even running the pipes like tree branches. Also some of the detailing on the shelves repeated the twig motif, and the leaf concept was featured on our logo design for them.