During the late 20th century, what emerged as just an idea to make use of an idle space today has evolved as a need to tackle housing shortage and other important challenges. In this article, we will discuss the benefits along with useful tips and suggestions on how you can convert your commercial property into a residential space, and why this might just be the right time to do it.
Category Archives: Commercial
How Do I Get Planning Permission To Build A House?
Building a HomeIf you want to build a new home as an owner or a developer, you will have to get planning
permission. Obtaining planning permission is a complicated task that requires you to conduct
lots of research, write, and design, and gather lots of information. So how do you go about the
process of getting planning permission?[get_quote_mobile]
What is defined as a new build house?
A new build house is a residential building that wasn’t there before in any form or shape. The
definition covers the following k ...
Getting Airbnb change of use Planning Permission – August 2019 Update
If you are renting for more than 90 days a year via Airbnb, you should be aware of some new rules which require planning permission for short term lets. These are classed by London LPAs as temporary sleeping accommodation, to which the new restrictions apply.
Steph Fanizza
Architectural Design & Team Manager