House Renovation During Testing Times
Due to Brexit and an unpredictable economy, the UK property market has seen a rise in moving fees and slow-moving property prices over the last few years. This has resulted in many home owners choosing to renovate their home instead, in order to add value to their property in the future. While the current Covid 19 pandemic has led to a nationwide lockdown, there are still lots of things you can do to prepare for your renovation. Make the most of your time at home by researching, planning, and preparing your home. From creating a budget, to consulting with renovation services online, we have put together a few top tips for planning a house renovation during these testing times.

Do Some Research For Your House Renovation
If you haven’t yet decided what your renovation will involve, now is a good time to start researching. Take a look at the different types of extensions available for your home and find out which ones are more likely to increase your property value. Kitchen extensions, bathroom renovations, and additional home offices, are all popular choices. Undertaking some research will also give you a better understanding of how much your renovation will cost. Always ensure that you budget wisely, keeping additional savings on the side in case any issues arise.
Plan Your Renovation Online
Although many renovation services are currently unavailable during the lockdown, you can still begin to book and plan your extensions online. Once you know which type of extension you would like, and have a clear idea of how much you can spend, you can then begin to make enquiries. Many renovation companies are still working from home, and can negotiate prices and discuss plans via video consultations. Lots of online consultations are free of charge, enabling you to search around and compare prices in order to secure the best possible deal.
Have A Clear-out In Advance Of Your House Renovation
In order to ensure that your renovation can go ahead as soon as the lockdown has been lifted, dedicate your time at home towards preparing your property. Perhaps you are extending into your garden and have decking, plants, or outdoor furniture that need to be cleared. Maybe the room you will be working on is full of clutter and needs to be completely emptied. You can even get the kids to help you with weeding the garden, re-planting, and cleaning. Getting this done will save you lots of time after the renovation, enabling the builders to get started.
Other Tasks When Home Renovating
Along with de-cluttering, you probably have a long list of tasks to complete before the renovation can even begin. If you are unsure, speak to the renovation company during a consultation. Some tasks may include painting doors and garden fences, sanding down wood, and cleaning windows and tiles. If you are also planning to sell your property after the renovation, you may have a list of DIY tasks of your own. Luckily, hardware stores are still open during the lockdown for paint, furniture, and tools. When undertaking any tasks at home, it’s important to take things slowly in order to complete them to a high standard. Ensure that you are taking necessary safety precautions when lifting heavy items and handling tools. With no current end date in sight, you may be surprised just how many DIY tasks you get done during the lockdown period.

Steph Fanizza, Architectural Design & Team Manager